Nunnery wood high school 8
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Nunnery Wood High School offers independent, impartial careers advice and guidance regarding education, employment and training to all students. This is delivered in a number of ways including one to one meetings, visits, inspirational speakers visiting school, career stands, and lessons relating to the world of work.

We employ our own full time careers advisor, Mr Aftab, who is a registered practitioner with relevant careers qualifications.

Year 11 students have the opportunity for a face to face meeting with Mr Aftab and will receive a personal action plan to help them with their post 16 options. Further meetings are available where additional support is required.

Lunch and break time drop in sessions are also held throughout the week for all year groups.

The school library has a careers specific area where students can access a wide range of careers materials including prospectuses from 6th forms, colleges and universities, specific employer information, apprenticeship and entrepreneurial reference books.

To find out more about our commitment to careers education and our student’s career entitlement at Nunnery Wood please refer to our Careers Strategy.

Careers Strategy & Action Plan

A provider wishing to support us with careers related activities should contact Mr M Aftab (Careers & Work Experience Leader).

Please click here to see our Provider Access Document for more details

Summary Destinations to 2020

NWHS Strategic Careers Leader
Mr M. Haines
Assistant Headteacher
Telephone: 01905 363625


Useful Links:

Unifrog logo

Helping students find their future

We bring all the available information into one comprehensive, user-friendly platform that helps students make the best choices, and submit the strongest applications.

We partner with universities and employers to further support students to be successful.


As experts on apprenticeships and vocational education, we influence the way that apprenticeships are perceived and drive forward innovative and creative work in England and internationally, to ensure that more individuals and businesses can access the benefits of apprenticeships.



Careers and educational information and development website. Learn how to write a CV, how to complete an application form, how to pass psychometric tests and also how to pass any job interview.

A wide variety of how2become books are available for students to borrow from our school library.




Aimed at pupils aged 14 and upwards who are considering university and want information to help them choose the right subjects to study at sixth form or college.

The guidance is written by admissions directors from the 24 Russell Group universities and provides information on why subject choice matters.


National Careers Service
Provide information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work.




Advice about choosing the right A levels, what degree to complete, is a higher or degree apprenticeship right for you, where to study, studying abroad etc.


Not planning on going to university. Information about higher apprenticeships, internships, gap years, volunteering etc.

Worcs appr logo

Local apprenticeship vacancy website. Contact the Apprenticeship Hub if you need more support or advice about finding an apprenticeship.


Real stories to inspire your career.



We offer careers information and support in Worcestershire for:
Young people aged 16-24
Parents and Carers
Individuals who are unemployed or looking for work



When you finish year 11 you can take part in the NCS volunteering programme.

You’ll be taking part in all sorts of activities that will show you how to work in a team, have a better understanding of your community, get some skills to make your CV shine, boost your confidence, give you opportunities to try things you may have never tried before, and get involved in supporting your local community and make a positive impact


Go compare

The UK’s riskiest jobs
We’ve analysed the riskiest jobs in the UK, seeing how dangerous each industry is and how much it costs the business.
Some risky jobs might seem obvious, but others might come as a surprise. To find out more click on this link




By following Start’s structured and progressive activities, the platform caters for all students helping them to make more informed decisions about future study and career options at the right time and in good time.


The Russell Group’s guide to post 16 choices

Choosing your A-level (or equivalent) subjects carefully is really important – especially if you have aspirations to study at a leading university. The Russell Group’s guide, Informed Choices, includes advice from admissions professionals on the best subject combinations for a wide range of university courses as well as the best choices for students who want to keep their options open.

Choosing your A-level, Higher, IB and equivalent subjects
Universities look for students who not only have good grades, but grades in the right subjects for the course they want to apply for. If you already know what you want to study at university, you should think about choosing subjects which give you the best possible preparation for your chosen degree course. If you’re not sure what you want to study at university yet, it’s important to choose subjects which will leave as many options open as possible.

Many courses at university build on knowledge and skills which students gain while still at school. For this reason, some university courses require you to have studied a particular subject already. For example, for general engineering degrees, mathematics and physics are typically essential A-level qualifications.

Some advanced level subjects are more frequently required for entry to degree courses than others. We call these subjects ‘facilitating’ because choosing them at advanced level leaves open a wide range of options for university study. These facilitating subjects are:

• Biology • Chemistry
• English literature • Geography
• History • Physics
• Modern and classical languages • Maths and further maths

If you don’t know what you want to study at university then it’s a really good rule of thumb that taking two facilitating subjects will keep a wide range of degree courses open to you.

While Informed Choices brings together advice about subject choices from across the Russell Group, each university and each course will have its own entry requirements. Some institutions publish a list of preferred A-level subjects which are acceptable for general admission, as well as specific requirements for individual courses. We advise students to check the guidance given by institutions very carefully. This information should be easily accessible on universities’ websites or in their prospectuses.

We hope that you find our guide useful, and wish you every success in your studies.