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Awards & Rewards
Nunnery Wood aims to encourage and celebrate the success of all its students in all areas of school life, and to ensure that personal commitment and achievement is celebrated and rewarded.
We use an online platform called ePraise to award merit points and achievement badges for students. Merits are awarded in subject areas for ‘commendable effort within the subject where students have gone above and beyond our expectations’. Commendable effort can be recognised in lessons (e.g. class discussion, work completed etc.) and also out of lessons (homework, service to the school, enrichment clubs etc.). Students also receive a weekly point for 100% attendance for the week.
Teachers can also award achievement badges on ePraise to students for taking part in a particular event/activity. Students can collect these badges throughout the year and will form evidence to support coloured tie applications. Colours ties are worn by year 10 students (half colours) and year 11 students (full colours) and are awarded to students in recognition of their outstanding contribution to the school. This could be through school sport, charity work, an area of the Arts or any other involvement in the wider school community. Students who wear coloured ties are ambassadors and role models for the school.
This platform can be accessed by students through their portal page so that they can track the points and achievement badges that have been awarded to them by different teachers across the curriculum. Student’s achievements can also be accessed through the parental portal so that parents/carers can see how their son/daughter is progressing.
A selection of students are also praised for consistent effort in their school report by being invited afternoon tea with the headtacher. In addition, at the end of each year there is a celebration of student achievements through awards evenings. These celebrate students’ academic achievements as well as those who have done great things in our local community and for charity.
If you have any question regarding rewards or awards please don’t hesitate to contact Miss Lott g.lott@nunnerywood.worcs.sch.uk.