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Curriculum Overview

Our curriculum at Nunnery Wood is exciting, diverse, challenging and engaging. It is designed and differentiated to ensure that all students of all abilities are included, enjoy their studies and maximise their potential.

We offer a broad curriculum, one which offers students a wide range of subjects, for as long as possible. Students experience a 3-year KS3 course for the majority of subjects, developing skills and knowledge, and are therefore prepared for their studies in KS4. A balanced, first rate, timetabled experience means that each subject is afforded significant space and time to deliver its distinctive contribution for all students.

Our broad and balanced curriculum is underpinned by social, moral, spiritual and cultural development thus ensuring that students are prepared for life in modern Britain.

Our extended curriculum is second to none. Opportunities are available for all students to engage in a wide range of Sports, The Arts, STEM enrichments, community cohesion projects and charity events. All of these opportunities are hosted in our exceptional subject specific facilities. We offer a wide range of UK based and overseas field visits and trips that students can participate in. These include local visits to the Malvern Hills, Malvern Outdoor Centre and LLanrug Arete outdoor centre. UK based field visits focus upon Birmingham, Stratford and other local sites. Overseas opportunities (subject to availability) have included China, The USA, Austria, France and Germany.

“We share an irresistible belief that every child can succeed…”

Our key KS4 options program is designed to guide year 9 students through the process of choosing some of the subjects that they would like to study at GCSE level or equivalent. Our options process follows a supportive ‘pathway’ approach. Each student is assigned to a specific options pathway and this is designed to ensure that each student selects KS4 courses that maximise their future potential. The process is supported by a KS4 courses information evening and an options guidance booklet. Each student has a one to one meeting with a senior member of staff, this ensures that all students have access to clear and concise information.

Our curriculum enables all of our students to progress onto employment, training or further education. Our full time Careers Advisor designs and oversees a 5-year program of events. These events, along with individual careers meetings, and a range of employer and post 16 information events mean students are well prepared for their next steps in education, employment or training.

We are determined to ensure that all students experience warm relationships from staff and outstanding teaching and learning across the range of subjects. New technologies are used alongside more traditional methods to help students become lifelong learners.


If you have an questions or queries regarding our school curriculum please contact:

Mrs K Phillips
Deputy Headteacher